Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Single Women Dating Older Men Have Their Say

Single Women Dating Older Men Have Their Say

By now you have heard all of the talk about young single women dating older men.There are men that claim it works and men that claim you should "get real" and only date women your own age.Isn't it about time we stopped asking men what they think and focus on the women? Women who date older men are the subject of this discussion.First, it's important to realize that the older man and younger women relationship is not totally unnatural.The fact of the matter is that older men enjoy the company of young women because younger women tend to be fun, uninhibited, adventurous and a great student for the teacher.Young women also get something out of the relationship, though looks are usually not a priority.Instead, younger single women dating older men benefit from the man's sexy personality; his wit, his intelligence, his maturity and class.Contrary to what some believe, it's not always about the "father complex" with single women dating older men.Some relationships are simply made complete by the dynamic of an experienced gentleman and a vivacious youngster ready to experience all that life has to offer.It's the classic teacher-student dynamic and it can work.Some women have always found older men more attractive, even to the point that they have had crushes on movie stars since a young age.What attracts younger women to mature men is that they have confidence in who they are, they are secure in their knowledge and are usually more in tune with their emotions.Ultimately, they seem to understand women more.Not all younger women are gold diggers and have father issues.It is perfectly plausible for a woman of 25 to be completely in love with a 40-year-old man, and be with him for that reason and not for his money or what he can provide for her or because he is connected.Consider women dating older men in Hollywood, though show business is by no means a normal depiction of society.Catherine Zeta Jones pulled no punches in describing the attraction."I know that young men are more unbiased, playful and firmer.There's no question about that, but they are also more selfish and narcissistic.This is why they never had a chance to go out with me.".There is lot to be said for a man who is mature and has experience in life.You have the advantage!

Single Women Dating Older Men Have Their Say


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