Have you noticed that younger women dating older men is far more commonplace than a decade or two ago? I put it down to a couple of reasons.Firstly, due to improved grooming products (moisturizer, for instance), and more affordable healthcare, older people tend to look better these days.And, secondly, it is becoming widely known that older men have more to offer in a variety of ways (they have, after all, had longer to become knowledgeable, longer to learn how to please a lady, longer to develop a sense of style).In the next few paragraphs, I'm going to give you, the older gentleman, five proven tips to help you when dating younger women.And I feel I am distinctly qualified to do so. I'm a younger woman, a dating coach, and I happen to possess a strong fondness for men in their forties and beyond.Don't Try To Be Young.If you, as a mature gentleman, attempt to appear younger than your years, you run the risk of looking foolish and unattractive in the eyes of women of all ages.Remember that many younger women love older men.Be yourself.Act your age.Never Speak Down To Younger Ladies.When we reach our thirties, forties, or beyond, we often forget just how intelligent and knowledgeable we were as young people.I had written a novel at the age of nineteen, spent half a year touring Europe when I was twenty, and published dozens of short stories throughout my early twenties.But even a young woman, one who is less accomplished, less intelligent, will always detect when you patronize her, and almost nothing is a greater turn-off.So treat her as an equal.Do What Younger Men Cannot Do.One of the reasons we see younger women dating older men is because young men are constrained by limitations not possessed by their older counterpart.Typically, young men have to work long hours, engage in jobs they dislike, get by with little money, and converse in a limited way because they lack the knowledge and experience they will achieve in later years.And, more importantly, these men have less experience of the fairer sex.Women dating older men do so for a reason. men like you can do what younger men cannot do.This is not always the case, I know, and perhaps you still have to work long hours, but just take a moment to consider the you now and the you ten or twenty years ago.In what ways are you now vastly superior? Whatever those ways are - use them to your advantage.Don't Be Afraid To Strike Up A Conversation.The world is full of those "How We Met" stories. I was working at a gas station and he came in to buy some smokes; she had a flat tire, so I gave her a lift into town.Every day you wake up can be an opportunity to create one of those stories for yourself (and whoever you meet).So seize the day.And seize opportunities.Strike up conversations.Nine times out of ten, relationships begin by two people meeting for the first time and simply doing what we all do best. chatting.Last Tip (and a real doozy!). Meeting Younger Ladies.We live in the age of the internet revolution.Online dating at sites like Your Date Link (which I personally like because you can make free profiles) can be a hugely powerful tool in your dating arsenal.So use it.There are plenty of sites and the best sites allow you to make a free profile and use their most of their services for free.Networking on these social dating network sites makes finding a partner very easy and you can also have a lot of fun.And there you have it. five tips to help you when dating younger women.Good luck and have fun!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Younger Women Dating Older Men - 5 Great Tips
Have you noticed that younger women dating older men is far more commonplace than a decade or two ago? I put it down to a couple of reasons.Firstly, due to improved grooming products (moisturizer, for instance), and more affordable healthcare, older people tend to look better these days.And, secondly, it is becoming widely known that older men have more to offer in a variety of ways (they have, after all, had longer to become knowledgeable, longer to learn how to please a lady, longer to develop a sense of style).In the next few paragraphs, I'm going to give you, the older gentleman, five proven tips to help you when dating younger women.And I feel I am distinctly qualified to do so. I'm a younger woman, a dating coach, and I happen to possess a strong fondness for men in their forties and beyond.Don't Try To Be Young.If you, as a mature gentleman, attempt to appear younger than your years, you run the risk of looking foolish and unattractive in the eyes of women of all ages.Remember that many younger women love older men.Be yourself.Act your age.Never Speak Down To Younger Ladies.When we reach our thirties, forties, or beyond, we often forget just how intelligent and knowledgeable we were as young people.I had written a novel at the age of nineteen, spent half a year touring Europe when I was twenty, and published dozens of short stories throughout my early twenties.But even a young woman, one who is less accomplished, less intelligent, will always detect when you patronize her, and almost nothing is a greater turn-off.So treat her as an equal.Do What Younger Men Cannot Do.One of the reasons we see younger women dating older men is because young men are constrained by limitations not possessed by their older counterpart.Typically, young men have to work long hours, engage in jobs they dislike, get by with little money, and converse in a limited way because they lack the knowledge and experience they will achieve in later years.And, more importantly, these men have less experience of the fairer sex.Women dating older men do so for a reason. men like you can do what younger men cannot do.This is not always the case, I know, and perhaps you still have to work long hours, but just take a moment to consider the you now and the you ten or twenty years ago.In what ways are you now vastly superior? Whatever those ways are - use them to your advantage.Don't Be Afraid To Strike Up A Conversation.The world is full of those "How We Met" stories. I was working at a gas station and he came in to buy some smokes; she had a flat tire, so I gave her a lift into town.Every day you wake up can be an opportunity to create one of those stories for yourself (and whoever you meet).So seize the day.And seize opportunities.Strike up conversations.Nine times out of ten, relationships begin by two people meeting for the first time and simply doing what we all do best. chatting.Last Tip (and a real doozy!). Meeting Younger Ladies.We live in the age of the internet revolution.Online dating at sites like Your Date Link (which I personally like because you can make free profiles) can be a hugely powerful tool in your dating arsenal.So use it.There are plenty of sites and the best sites allow you to make a free profile and use their most of their services for free.Networking on these social dating network sites makes finding a partner very easy and you can also have a lot of fun.And there you have it. five tips to help you when dating younger women.Good luck and have fun!
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